A Time to Heal: Why BrightSky is Non-Political


Katherine Ewen
3 min readNov 24, 2020

Temperatures have been rising, chaos exists on the world stage, our communities are divided, so why is BrightSky not the place to talk about politics? After all, we are building a community, shouldn’t that community discuss our differences to overcome them?

The answer we arrived at is no and here are the reasons why. Our hope is for a better world, a world where equality, social justice, transparency and harmonic resonance exists. We hope to transcend these differences through leading by example, by promoting positive news and events. This is not ignoring divisions- it is rising above them- creating a safe place to breathe, a place of inspiration and hope.

It is in our power to effect change by focusing our attention beyond the divisions, a place where you will simply be held. Not because of what you believe, not despite what you believe but beyond what you believe. This is our purpose.

We are all physical manifestations of energy and energy has no bias. It simply is. The difficulty comes when the pain and suffering we have experienced traps us in a place of fear, and we forget our essential innocence. We attach labels to others, we judge them and ourselves, we feel separate, and that separation isn’t just from people, it is from nature too. We look around and compare, sowing seeds of doubt and mistrust. The stresses of living a material existence bound by money poison our ability to see beyond the mundane and to see the bigger picture.

We’re inclined to believe that our personal truth is the universal truth, at least there is a natural pull towards polarity. But what is the truth? It seems like such a complicated thing these days. We are so tied up in the sticky web of information, bombarded daily by one party or another shouting that they have the answer, and everything else is fake news. We go round in circles trying to find the answer to an impossible question: Who is right, and who is wrong? At BrightSky we want to stay away from overarching statements of truth and correctness but what we do believe is that we are all individual expressions of the same energy connected through the heart. The same spark of life exists within us all.

BrightSky was created to remind us of that. It is a community of wellbeing practitioners who are there to help bring that knowledge to the world, to promote strength and peace through unification. To move away from opposites, to a place of balance.

The job of BrightSky is to support you bringing your unique gifts to the world, to create a space that allows you to be vulnerable, to create a deep connection with others and within yourself.

Who hasn’t felt that it has been difficult to breathe of late, who hasn’t felt outraged at what is happening to our planet, who hasn’t felt broken-hearted at watching fires rage both physically in our environment and metaphorically in our politics? Sometimes it feels that the very oxygen we breath is burning, as the lungs of the world, the trees are burning. But the fire has a purpose too, for after it has raged out of control and destroyed everything in sight, the ash settles, and the nutrients of destruction create new growth.

This time, right now, is our time to bring in the new, to plant seeds, to tend them and to heal. That healing always begins with our own spark of life force, within our own hearts.

